The Need for AED in Medical Imaging Equipment

The Need for AED in Medical Imaging Equipment

Manually determining proper exposure settings is a difficult task during any X-ray exam. Each patient has different physical characteristics—you have to X-ray them in different positions and angles.

Each X-ray exam has a unique set of exposure settings which will provide the best possible image for later diagnosis and assessment.

Automatic Exposure Detection (AED) sets the appropriate exposure settings for youto produce the best possible images. You don’t have to tinker around with the settings and take multiple X-ray images to improve on image quality because the equipment does it for you. This presents several advantages, which you should consider when deciding to upgrade to digital X-ray.

How Does AED Work?

Automatic exposure detection reduces the amount of exposure by shutting off the supply of X-rays to maintain an appropriate X-ray exposure level. The technician still has to calibrate the various inputs like Source-to-Image distances, kilovoltage peaks and grid ratios, but the device handles the rest. Since it’s difficult to pin-point exactly how much exposure is needed to get the clearest image, the AED does this automatically,reducing the number of retakes.

The Advantages of AED


Having AED in your DR equipment presents various advantages which can improve service provision and reduce the diagnostic timelines in your healthcare facilities. These advantages include:

Fewer Retakes

Once the AED shuts off exposure to X-rays, it reduces the chances of X-ray saturation which throws off image quality. The technician doesn’t have to worry about whether they need to conduct the exam all over again, but only needs to adjust the settings to improve image quality. Error frequencies significantly fall with AED and thus you need fewer retakes of the same image.

Reducing Radiation Exposures

There are two ways through which patients are exposed to excessive radiation—either the detector itself needs higher radiation doses or if the patient needs repetitive X-rays. Digital radiography equipment reduces exposure from the first cause, while AED reduces the number of retakes. Additionally, AED also reduces the radiation exposure to patients to ensure full compliance with best imaging practices.

Better Imaging Quality

AED ensures that X-ray exposure is sufficient to produce the best possible images. You reduce the burden on the technician to improve image quality, which still requires personal judgments even with imaging manuals. Whether it’s low or high exposure, the AED adjusts itself to produce the best image. Automating the adjustment of one variable in the process reduces the likelihood of errors and allows for better imaging within smaller time spans.

ExamVue is a supplier of cost-effective digital radiography solutions for medical and veterinary practices. We offer DR flat panel detector, digital x-ray acquisition software, and a patented PACS to support our Digital Radiography Systems. Get in touch with us today for more information on our services.

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