DR imaging or Digital X-ray in veterinary practice is still novel because many vets feel that lower caseloads make DR cost-inefficient. Fortunately, there are plenty of cost-efficient DR options that have come to light in the past couple of years, and the advantages of using DR far outweigh the costs.
The improvements in imaging quality and reduction in image rendering times, veterinary care facilities have become much more effective at their jobs. You don’t need complete digital imaging set-ups to enjoy the same advantages and the improvements in service provision are a readily accepted trade-off with the costs.
If you’re a veterinarian considering upgrading to digital X-ray, we’ve provided the following reasons you should go for it.
Lower Radiation Exposure
Radiation exposure can cause a wide range of medical problems like skin burns and diarrhea. X-ray imaging doesn’t expose you to enough radiation to inflict harmful health effects but, repeated exposure to X-rays from conventional film and CR imaging equipment can inflict mild radiation damage.
DR equipment can reduce radiation exposure to 30% of conventional radiography equipment.
Faster Image Transfer
Digital radiography system produces images much faster than conventional X-ray systems. While X-ray films and cassettes need to be processed before an image is generated, you get images directly on your screen with digital X-ray. Digital X-ray can process images within 10 seconds. This increases the number of patients you can treat within the same amount of time. Increased throughput is what it’s called.
Better Image Quality
Digital radiography produces better images than conventional X-ray systems because these have higher DQE ratings. A digital X ray panel absorbs a greater number of photons, with lower noise to improve image quality. Observations indicate that digital X-rays have a DQE rating of 65% compared to that of CRs, which have a score of 30%.
DR Panels can be Retrofitted
Cost concerns aren’t an issue with digital imaging equipment because DR panels can be retrofitted onto analog X-ray machines. You get the same quality of imaging with a DR panel as a new digital X-ray set-up at a fraction of the cost of a completely new Digital X-ray system. While a new digital system can cost $60,000–$140,000, a DR panel will cost you significantly less.
Greater Cost Reduction
The real costs of conventional imaging equipment are those from films and the processing of those films. Even though CR doesn’t use film image processing takes a while and the image quality isn’t exactly too great. DR systems don’t use any film and therefore, eliminate the costs of buying new films. Additionally, because of a DR panel’s higher photon capture rates, it processes better images within seconds. If you go with an analog-digital combination, you can eliminate the need for film to enjoy significant cost savings.
If you’re looking for state of the art digital radiography equipment and digital X-ray for imaging centers, get in touch with us at ExamVue. We have been providing top quality diagnostic imaging solutions and equipment for nearly 4 decades.