Digital radiography (DR) provides multiple advantages compared to conventional film-based radiography. Digital x ray equipment have contributed in subtle ways to improve healthcare provisions across the United States. With integration capabilities, central databases, greater clarity and less clunky hardware, moving to digital radiography is a great choice for any healthcare institution.
Despite the advantages, digital radiography is only effective if entire hospitals or similar facilities are prepared to take on the imaging techniques. DR (Digital Radiography) can only provide advantages if the facility has developed a certain type of infrastructure, possesses the funds and, in some cases, might require a complete revamp before it can be implemented.
If you’re considering moving to Digital Radiography, here are some questions you ought to ask before installing the equipment.
Do You Have the Funds?
This is possibly the most basic question anyone can ask before they take on an expense. Although you could dedicate one specific part of your facility to DR, it will essentially render many other imaging facilities obsolete.
A large chunk of the work load may fall onto your DR equipment, which would require you to invest in more DR equipment or at least regular maintenance.
Do You Possess The Necessary Infrastructure?
DR equipment works best if there is accompanying equipment. You’ll need to invest in better screens, databases, PACS and DICOM compliant hardware and software that also comply with the regulations on medical imaging and radiography.
If you don’t, you might need to acquire all of the supporting equipment before you’re ready to enjoy the full range of advantages offered by Digital Radiography equipment.
Is the Staff Trained To Use These?
Digital Radiography is a little different compared to conventional radiography. You need to know exactly how the equipment works, which modalities and functionalities work best and how the images can be optimized for better resolution. You will have to train your staff to familiarize them with the new imaging equipment to ensure strict compliance with industry regulation.
Does Your Provider offer Technical Assistance?
Quality Assurance compliance is legally required by all healthcare providers. To make sure that your equipment is performing at consistently high levels, you might need to work with your suppliers to help work out the kinks in the system. It’s absolutely essential that you acquire your DR equipment from a supplier who will help work out any problems with your systems as soon as possible.
If you’re looking for state of the art digital radiography equipment and diagnostic digital image solutions, get in touch with us at ExamVue. We have been providing top quality diagnostic imaging solutions and equipment for nearly 4 decades.