The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 has incentivized healthcare providers to transition away from analog x-ray systems to direct digital solutions. Pursuant to Section 502 of the Act, the Medicare system started reducing payments for medical exams performed on analog (film) systems in January 2017. Medicare payments were reduced by 20% for healthcare providers who submitted claims for analog x-ray studies. Earlier this year, Medicare payments for imaging studies performed with computed radiography (CR) were reduced by 7%. This 7% reduction in medicare reimbursement will continue through 2022, and later increase to a 10% reduction in 2023.
In addition to receiving better reimbursements from Medicare, the transition from analog or CR to DR has a number of benefits for both practice and the patient. For starters, this includes acquiring the high-quality of images your practice demands. With fewer exposures, faster exam times, and more throughput, a digital system also means an increase in overall efficiency.
Additionally, using the same digital technology throughout a practice or facility supports consistent image quality. With an increase in exam volume and workflow efficiency, practices can scale back on the overall amount of equipment needed while also enhancing their level of patient care.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding making the upgrade to digital radiography.