Urgent care centers have a lot of modernized demands from their patients, especially as their popularity continues to grow. One of these key demands is more technology. Patients that learn more about the options available for their care and treatment naturally want the feeling of “cutting-edge” medical support. One area that’s a good place to start in this regard is buying urgent care radiography equipment, but you want to make sure you’re going about it the right way. Here’s what to consider.
An early decision you need to make is to buy or lease. For many urgent care centers, leasing may actually make more sense, especially if you’re trying to upgrade. Remember, leasing gives you the opportunity to get potentially a new machine every few years, and if you manage the lease well, you may be able to do well financially. However, buying has its advantages as well. Consider both before committing.
You also want to make sure that the equipment you’re buying will fit your target audience. The last thing you want to do is completely base things on price and then end up with a piece of equipment that either runs too slow or is missing key features you wanted.
Urgent care radiography is an essential part of the key role these centers play. As a result, urgent care centers should be one of the first medical settings to give serious thought to upgrading equipment. A measured approach is always best, with the help of industry partners like ExamVue Digital X-Ray. Our 5-5-5 Coverage Program helps protect any purchases you make from us, and we can go over a lot of the points in this article with you to help you find the ideal match.