When it comes to reasons why some practices and medical settings haven’t upgraded to digital radiography yet, some understandable points do come up. Some may not have the money yet to do a full upgrade. Some may have concerns about onboarding a team that’s gotten used to legacy equipment. However, the advantage of digital radiography may be well worth these hurdles. Here’s a closer look.
- Digital radiography makes it far easier and quicker to capture images, with a lower risk of artifacting or other problems that may result in having to retake an image.
- Digital radiography allows images to be stored digitally, sometimes in the cloud, versus clunky CDs or paper images.
- As digital radiography grows more popular, it’s easier to find additional components that are compatible with the equipment. Older conventional radiography equipment may struggle in this area.
- Digital radiography gives less radiation off than conventional radiography, potentially easing the concerns of some patients.
- Complementary software makes it easier to examine and manipulate images.
- The added efficiency and quality ultimately helps the bottom lines of many medical practices and businesses.
Digital radiography has become a massive boon when it comes to your medical practice, and if you haven’t already upgraded, it’s good form to make sure you look into it. While we’ve covered a lot of key details here, there may be more technical information you need to make a decision.
A consultation with a partner like ExamVue Digital X-Rayis perfect for helping clear up these moments. We also want to help you in the long-term as well. This means working to provide our 5-5-5 Coverage Program which provides top protection and support for your products for 5 years. Reach out to us today if you have any more questions or want to learn more.