Planning to Invest in a PACS?
Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) is an electronic information system for storing, sorting, sharing, and displaying medical images. ...
Clinical Demands of Advanced Imaging in Rural America
According to the National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM), with increasing urbanization, an older, poorer and sicker population remains...
How to Improve the X-ray Imaging Environment to Cater to Diverse Patient Population
There’s a fair amount of focus on reducing disparities in healthcare—increased emphasis on cultural responsivity and patient centeredness—these ...
How On-site Digital X-rays Facilitate Prompt Orthopedic Care
On-site digital imaging systems aid in diagnosing, as well as treating musculoskeletal issues on the spot, thereby enabling orthopedists to create a q...
Digital Radiography & Veterinary Medicine
Here’s how digital radiography works in veterinary clinics....
Technology in Urgent Care: Digital X-rays for Enhanced Diagnostic Imaging
You’ve slipped on the sidewalk and injured your ankle. You rush to the closest urgent care center to get it checked and make sure you haven’t brok...