Being efficient as a medical professional is not just about business, but also keeping your patients content and healthy. The more people you can serv...
Digital Radiography (DR) and Diagnostic Improvements
Diagnosis is a key critical step for any patient. After all, if something is missed or misdiagnosed, not only does the true issue go untreated, but th...
Buying or Leasing Digital Radiography Equipment
As a medical professional with a practice of your own, you’re juggling helping your patients with running a business. Having the right equipment on ...
A Look into Imaging Standards as Set by the American College of Radiology
Considering the importance of developing accurate diagnoses for patients, various governing bodies have developed numerous standards to make the best ...
Digital Radiography vs Computed Radiography: Health Risks
Part of being a proper medical professional is being able to allay concerns that your patients may have, no matter how benign or intense they may be. ...
DR Systems for Musculoskeletal Injury Diagnoses
The discovery of X-rays and their potential were nothing short of a medical breakthrough. When Rontgen, almost accidentally, discovered how it was pos...
How to Support Your Medical Imaging Centers
Medical imaging centers are built around the idea of being able to process as many patients as possible for everything from your basic x-ray to more c...
Digital Radiography (DR) as a Patient Care Quality Marker
If a patient is searching for a medical care provider of any kind, the two things they are most likely to be concerned about is the knowledge/experien...
Portable Digital Radiography Solutions
Digital radiography has gone from a potentially interesting option to the gold standard for clinics and imaging centers across the world. However, thi...
Could Machine Learning Enter Radiography?
As medical professionals, more efficiency means better and more specialized care for your patients. As a result, the notion of machine learning in the...